What to Choose After Graduation in Commerce The developing world of education and employment is soaring through effective competition and advancements by making it universally accessible. Here arises the constant need to enhance your career with more knowledge, skills, qualifications, and certifications. Graduation is a foundation for your student life and career hence, there is a need…
How Difficult is it to Pass the ACCA Exam? ACCA is an internationally recognized qualification and is one of the most sought-after courses as clearing the ACCA exams makes you a Certified professional, it will also help you gain ACCA membership. It opens up a wide array of opportunities as it is an accepted qualification across the globe (Across…
What is the Need for Practical Experience in ACCA? ACCA is one of the most sought after globally recognized certifications. Once you have started taking the examinations and are doing well they next curve ball that will come your way is to meet the Practical Experience Requirement or PER. The PER is a vital component of the ACCA qualification.…
Points to consider while choosing a career in commerce Decisions are a way of defining ourselves, when you make a decision that influences your career it is crucial to think, analyze and be well-informed about the stream you choose to be your companion in your professional life. Commerce is a wide world accommodating dominant streams that contribute to the…