Big 4 Finance Careers | Join the Elite Accounting Firms
May 03,2024

What Attracts Candidates to Big 4 Finance Firms for Career Kickoff?

A career in the BIG4 firm is every individual's dream as these firms dominate the finance, consulting and accounting industry. Getting an opportunity to work with these firms will fast-track your carer to excellence in a very short duration. In this blog let us explore who are the Big 4, the career opportunities they provide and the esteem the jobs guarantee.

Who Are The BIG 4?

These Big 4 are the four largest public accounting firms in the world:

  • Deloitte
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
  • Ernst & Young
  • KPMG

These firms offer an amazing array of accounting and auditing services. The Big 4 firms offer significant employment and professional development opportunities to accounting professionals across many sectors, both domestically and internationally. The four firms used to be eight, but due to mergers, acquisitions and dissolutions dating back to 1987, only four large firms remained by 2002. Together, they amass more than $100 billion in earnings and have continuously experienced growth year-over-year. There is no question why many graduates and entry-level professionals strive for accounting careers at these firms. The Big 4 employs hundreds of thousands of dedicated professionals. Working for any of the Big 4 firms is a career boost.

Why should you consider joining the Big 4?

In the highly competitive job market in today's business landscape, securing a position with one of the prestigious Big 4 firms is widely regarded as a significant achievement in any candidate's career. The selection process to join the Big 4 firms identifies candidates with exceptional talent, knowledge, and skills. As such, securing a position in one of these firms demonstrates not only an individual’s professional capabilities but also their ability to compete against a highly qualified pool of applicants. Here are some of the advantages that you gain in your career journey by attaining a position in the BIG 4:

  • Enhanced learning opportunity in a short period: Employees are exposed to a wide range of clients across various industries, providing unparalleled opportunities for professional growth and development. The training programs offered by these firms are highly regarded, equipping employees with valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied throughout their careers. The diverse and global nature of their clientele also allows employees to gain exposure to different business practices and cultures, fostering a more well-rounded professional outlook. 
  • Your network expands: The Big 4 firms are known for their strong professional networks and connections, both within the firm and with external stakeholders. Being part of such a network opens doors to numerous career opportunities and collaborations throughout one’s professional journey. 
  • The higher esteem with the Big 4: These firms also play a pivotal role in enhancing an individual’s credibility and employability, as many employers value the rigorous standards and ethical practices upheld by these industry leaders. The fast-paced and dynamic nature of the work may require individuals to adapt quickly, be proactive, and continually update their knowledge and skills to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving industry. 

Qualifications to join Big 4s?

  • Bachelor’s degree: Most Big 4 firms in India require a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field like accounting, finance, commerce, or business administration. Some might also consider other degrees like economics, statistics, or mathematical sciences.
  • Professional Accounting certifications: Pursuing certifications like CA, ACCA, CMA (Certified Management Accountant), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), and CPA (Certified Public Accountant) can significantly enhance your profile.
  • Tech degrees: Knowing digital transformation is highly appreciated. If you have expertise in current market technology and transformation trends such as Data Analytics, Cloud, Emerging Technologies, Digital Economy) is appreciated.


 Once you have secured an interview with a Big 4, you are about to start a rewarding career journey as a result of your effective hard work. It offers a variety of opportunities for learning, growth, and exposure to diverse clients and sectors. Make use of your opportunity and aspire for better opportunities for growth and development.

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