CA is not Life. It’s just a part of Life
June 18,2020

CA is not Life. It’s just a part of Life

Let us give ears to the words of CA Ayush Ranka on what sets apart a CA from the crowd. Mr Ranka is a Chartered Accountant with CA Articleship Experience in the field of Direct Taxation and conducted various statutory and tax audits. He is also a CFA level 3 candidate. He has acquired NISM Certificates on Basics of Stock Market and NIFM certificate on Technical Analysis. The following is what he has to share with all CA Aspirants.

“Chartered Accountancy is a curriculum that requires a lot of time devotion and dedication.

Right from foundation (CPT) a student needs to be very clear about setting his concepts right as it forms the base for your further levels. Many students are able to pass foundation (CPT) and move to the next level ie INTER(IPCC). The level of difficulty is much more in IPCC. Through my Personal experience, I feel if you are serious about your coachings or regular studies, it’s not difficult to crack the INTER level. Well planned 3 months of self-study after coaching is sufficient to pass.

Coming to CA final. You have to enrol yourself for Articleship.


Never take your articleship lightly or go for a dummy articleship. Your practical experience counts a lot when you go for jobs or practice after you pass Finals.


NEVER feel you have a lot of time for CA final Exams, I REPEAT NEVER. Time passes by and you are wasted. Get yourself admitted to a good coaching institute if you are looking for them. Do not delay it. Managing studies with Articleship tenure is quite hectic. Complete your classes in almost 2.5 years by managing it quite nicely. Always have almost 5–6 months of self-study in hand if you are planning for both groups. And around 3 months if you are planning for 1 group.


Always be very clear before starting self-study as in whether you will be appearing for 1 group or both groups. This is the most important decision you need to take. Failing to decide this, in the beginning, contributes to losing 50% of the time. Often students get themselves enrolled for both groups and while they are midway in their preparation they feel they won’t be able to prepare for both and then switch on to 1 group. What happens is, you start preparing for 8 subjects. After your first reading, you realise its too much for you. By this time you decide to prepare for just one group; what you don’t realise is that you just lost valuable time. You could have instead focused better on the 4 subjects you have on hand.


Never refer to different publications while preparing. Your coaching notes and ICAI’s modules are enough for reference. RTP and suggested answers are a good source. Be focused and clear in your thoughts.


Always try to prepare in such a way that you are at least able to revise almost 90 to 95 % of the curriculum before the day of the exams. It is very important to plan in this way. Preparing notes will help with this.


Try to complete 100% of your paper. At least give the examiner a reason to give you marks. If you do not attempt the questions, how will he/she give you marks? Give them the scope to give marks. ( For this give mocks and revision exams)


You can’t afford to lose time in the last 4–5 months. You need to be serious in your studies. THE FIRST ATTEMPT IS THE GOLDEN ATTEMPT AFTER ALL.



“Multiple Revisions”. The more you revise the more efficient you become and your retention also improves. “If you try to follow all these points, the chances of you attaining passing marks becomes higher”.

May his words help you achieve your dream sooner than later.



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