How do you relieve exam stress?
September 30,2019

6 successful ways to deal with exam stress

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A little bit of stress is a good thing: it will act as a motivator to get you going!

But at times the same stress can engulf you. A recent study has shown a 20-25% annual increase in students seeking for study-related mental health issues. Student performance evidently has a direct correlation to their state of mind.

We have jotted down a few easy to follow tips that will help you sail through the stressful exam season.

  • Remember to breathe - As silly as this may sound, setting aside a few minutes every day to focus on your breath by following breathing exercises, or using an app like Mind will help you to get in sync with yourself, and bring the attention back to you and will calm your mind. Anxieties can be strewn away by giving your mind a few minutes to think rationally, it will cut you off the negative train of thought and will enable to deal with the exam stress and do revisions more successfully.


  • Eat, sleep, exercise - ‘Repeat’ - Most of us tend to cramp an entire module into a few weeks before the exams. Pulling all-nighters and binge eating on chips will take its toll on your body. In order to ensure that you are performing your personal best for the exams, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep, eat slow-releasing carbs, drink a lot of water and try and get at least half an hour of exercise. This will release endorphins which will actually combat stress and make you feel more positive.


  • Don’t go at it alone - A research paper from 2004 revealed that revising your portions with peers and mentors following a strict study pattern, allowed students to study and retain information better. The emotional support than one gets from a group also will help students to attain confidence and face the exams fearlessly.


  • Set realistic goals - Yes, setting goals is important. But always look and the time you have in hand, and set goals you can achieve, else the fact that you are unable to finish the portions will give you needless anxiety.


  • Always ask for help - If at any point you feel you are spread too thin, always reach out to your peers or your mentors. Here at Lakshya we always maintain a symbiotic relationship and always encourage and nurture a good relationship between students and professors. 


  • Take regular breaks - Breaks can be a good thing especially when you have a tight study schedule. Taking regular breaks will let you decompress and helps you to retain information better.


Hit the books, keep your cool and remember not to let the exams overwhelm you. So what are you waiting for get cracking!

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